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Il 2025 rappresenta il giro di boa celebrativo del quarantennale da quel 5 febbraio 1985, quando debuttammo nel nostro primo concerto al Blu Max di Pollein (AO) durante la festa di carnevale.
Questi 40 anni sono un numero chiave perché Riccardo Taraglio, Claudio Zac Zanchetta e Sergio Fiorani, in ordine di nascita, si troveranno “maggiorenni” secondo la collaudata formula de “…non compiamo 58 anni, ma 18 con 40 anni di esperienza!”.
Per celebrare l’evento ci ritroveremo sabato 8 febbraio 2025 alle ore 22:00 insieme al batterista Fabio Cannatà (caso vuole anche lui nei 40 anni…) sul palco all’interno del locale Old Distillery Pub in Rue Des Prés Fossés 7 ad Aosta per suonare i brani tratti dai nostri lavori: “Legend and Prophecy” (2015), “Humanity” (2017), “Failure in the System” (2020) e “Paindemic” (2021) e “King of Nothing” (2024).

The year 2025 represents the celebratory turning point of the 40th anniversary since that February 5, 1985, when we debuted in our first concert at the Blu Max in Pollein (AO) during the carnival party.
These 40 years are a key number because Riccardo Taraglio, Claudio Zac Zanchetta and Sergio Fiorani, in birth order, will be “coming of age” according to the time-tested formula of “...we are not turning 58, but 18 with 40 years of experience!”
To celebrate the event, we will meet on Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 10:00 pm together with drummer Fabio Cannatà (chance has it that he is also in his 40s...) on the stage inside the Old Distillery Pub on Rue Des Prés Fossés 7 in Aosta to play songs from our works: “Legend and Prophecy” (2015), “Humanity” (2017), “Failure in the System” (2020) and “Paindemic” (2021) and “King of Nothing” (2024).


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